
The TraxView Patronage and Equity module is a complete system for tracking sales, purchases and commodity receipt volume cross-referenced with resulting patronage allocations. Equities issued to cooperative members are tracked by equity code and year issued.

Patron Equity
  • 999 Patronage Groups/Classes (i.e. Fertilizer, Chemical, Grain, etc.)
  • Patronage by Branch
  • Patronage by Month
  • Customizable Check formats for Patronage allocations and/or equity redemptions
  • Birthdays are tracked by customer to allow for age-based redemptions
  • Backup withholding
  • 99 Equities available
  • Equity writedowns
  • Tracks certificate numbers of stocks issued

TraxView Modules

General LedgerAccounts ReceivablePurchasing / Accounts PayableOrder Entry / Point of Sale
PayrollPerpetual InventoryCommodity AccountingProduction / Manufacturing
Bank ReconciliationSales Analysis3rd Party InterfaceAgronomy Blending
Prepaid Contracts / BookingsPatronage / EquityBusiness UnitsFeed Blending / Manufacturing