The TraxView Business Units allow the end user to break down all customer information into segments that are of greater value to the producer. Much like an AR subaccount, the Business Unit allows the user to track purchase/sales volumes in a manner that’s useful. Most often used to track farm and field information, the Business Units could be designated as employees, vehicles, delivery locations, livestock pens or any other logical designation of meaning to the customer. Business Units allow crop inputs and commodity receipts / sales to be defined to the farm or field level. Presented in the proper manner, this information provides quantitative values of expense to income ratios providing for sensible input discussions regarding return on investment (ROI).
- User Defined Units (i.e. field, flock, barn, truck, child, etc.)
- User Defined sub-types track specific characteristics (i.e.dry land, irrigated, etc.)
- Customers are ‘attached’ to Business Units dictating who can use or view the transaction activity detail
- Business Units are quickly migrated to another owner upon sale of property without losing transactional history
- Splits configured by Business Unit based on commodity, product or group of products
- Multiple data types are tracked within each unit
TraxView Modules