Elevate simplifies your commercial elevator bin management and traceability. Our easy-to-use agriculture solution software puts your organization’s bin management data at your fingertips.
Comprehensive Grain Traceability provides records of grain movement throughout your entire facility.
- View Bin Inventory across all sites within facility
- Quality factors at a merchandiser’s finger-tips
- Bin board automation & bin temperature integration
- Custom visuals available through Power B.I.
- Web User Interface from any device, anywhere
- Open architecture with any third party software
- Pin-point exposure by load on recalls and avoid cross contamination
- Traceability of grain movement across all facilities within your organization

Bin Inventory Management
- Manage your bin inventory with real-time visuals of commodity volumes
- View inventory across all sites within your facility
- Compare average factor information by bin
- Factor blending between bins
- Bin board automation
- Optional bin temperature integration
- Harvest totals reports with time frame comparison
- Pin-point exposure by loads on recalls
- Maintenance records
- Track on farm bushels

Grain Traceability
- Trace commodities through the supply chain from origination
- Transfer throughout your facility maintaining complete traceability
- Track through to the grains outbound destination Avoid commodity cross contamination

Other Features
- Web user interface is available from any device, anywhere!
- Open architecture means you can pair the software with any third party integration
- Cloud or On Premise hosting options (SaaS, PaaS, Azure, and more are available)
- Customize the visuals using Power Business Intelligence
- Security can be customized by your organization: whether you want it by login (user), site or functions